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Domain Blog

A blog about domain names and making a living on the Internet.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Network Solutions Certified Offer Service

Looking for a good laugh? Check out Network Solutions' Certified Offer Service. Scroll down the page a bit to the dropdown box that asks, "Does INVESTING.COM include the name of a product or service?" Choose no and view the result.
$7,515.00 - $8,642.00 USD

Heh. I think their program needs some serious tweaking! Investing.com didn't even reach the program's ceiling of $10,000. Not very realistic.

Here's a very special message from me to Network Solutions:

Hey, Network Solutions: better take that page down before you do any further damage to your credibility! It's bad enough that you still think you can charge $35 for a .COM domain name. Do you think you are the only game in town? Sure, you used to be back in the 90's but those days are over! Get with it! I see that you are now trying to bundle free domain names with other, more lucrative services like web hosting but I don't think that strategy is going to work, baby. Your competitors like GoDaddy are starting to really push with SuperBowl ads and such. Wanna' stay alive? Offer some serious value and you'll do all right.

I still harbor some resentment (can you tell?) toward NetSol because they were so difficult to deal with back when they had a monopoly on domain names. Their brand is the only thing keeping them alive and, judging by services like their Certified Offer Service, their brand integrity isn't very important to them. Best of luck to you NetSol! You'll need it! :o)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww, and I really thought my domain was worth $10000. Darn. I bet I could find someone on Ebay though that would believe it if Network Solutions said it. I think you are right, it's name recognition only that is keeping them alive. People still think that Network Solutions is the only game in town. Good marketing on their part. The domainers know better but there is a lot of end users out there that won't even consider going anywhere else. Network Solutions = Security, at least to them, though they are no more secure and certainly less convenient than other registrars.


Thursday, February 17, 2005 4:16:00 AM  
Blogger Steve Brown said...

> but there is a lot of end users
> out there that won't even
> consider going anywhere else...

Yup. I know some lawyers who only use NetSol, even though they are fully aware of the other options out there. Sometimes people assume that a company has to be the best because it's has been around longer than it's competitors. I guess they equate longevity with success and professionalism. Sometimes this is true, sometimes not. In the case of NetSol, any domainer would agree that they certainly aren't the best registrar on the 'Net. If they were to start offering real value like GoDaddy does with rock bottom pricing, or like eNom does with a rock solid infrastructure and intuitive management, then they could have a real future.

Thursday, February 17, 2005 4:37:00 AM  

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