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Domain Blog

A blog about domain names and making a living on the Internet.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Scammers, Hackers and Other Criminals Are Using Hurricane Katrina-Related Domain Names To Spread Viruses, Initiate New Phishing Attacks and More...

Have you been visiting any Katrina-related domain names? Well, watch out! Scammers, hackers and other Internet criminals are taking advantage of all the interest in the Katrina hurricane disaster to trick Internet users into visiting domain names that will infect computers with harmful polymorphic viruses (worms), Trojans, spyware and keyloggers. Hurricane-related phishing scams are starting to make their way around the Internet as well.

Some scammers are trying to turn a profit by selling hurricane Katrina-related domain names on eBay, claiming that a portion of sale proceeds will be donated to hurricane relief organizations.

I won't post any of the domain names here, mainly because just visiting some of these names can result in serious trouble for your computer. However, you can click here to read the full story about these Katrina related scams.

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Blogger Steve Brown said...

> That is really sad, when
> people are taking advantage
> of well wishing people at
> a time like this...

Yup. Such talented programmers, wasting their time, trying their best to screw over complete strangers who are only interested in helping others. It just doesn't make any sense at all. Such a despicable waste of human potential.

Sunday, September 04, 2005 4:21:00 AM  

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