The Longest Legit Domain Name I've Ever Come Across
Typically, when I come across a very long domain name, it's usually a novelty name that is long for the sake of being long. I've never come across a serious domain name that has more than 30 characters. Until today.
I received a large envelope in the mail today. The sender is "In Re Visa Check/MasterMoney Antitrust Litigation". The next line in the sender address reads "Claims Administrator". Looked like some serious legal stuff, so I opened the letter immediately.
Turns out that I am a member of a Class that has settled with MasterCard and Visa in a Class Action suit. I'm a member of this Class because my small business meets the following criteria:
"All businesses and organizations in the United States that accepted Visa and MasterCard debit and credit cards for payment at any time during the period October 25, 1992 to June 21, 2003."I can claim a cash payment by filling out the form included in the envelope, or I can go to the following web address to file electronically:
43 characters! Oh, man! I get tired just looking at that domain name.
It's actually the right name for the job. The name isn't going to get any type-in traffic, but it is very search engine friendly; type the search term "In Re Visa Check/MasterMoney Antitrust Litigation" into MSN or Google and a link to the website can be found within the top 5 organic search results.
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