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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Donated $2,000 to Digital Point for Equipment Upgrades

As I get older, I am becoming more and more careful with money. Life is expensive, and I have new responsibilities, like my baby girl who's going to need private school soon (she's a willful child, way too willful for the U.S. public school system, me thinks.)

Yep, I've become quite frugal about personal spending.

But business spending is a whole other matter. These days, if I come across an opportunity to invest in a product or service that has obvious potential, then, more often than not, I go for it. I've been running my own business for over 8 years now, and in that time I've become quite adept at spotting great business opportunities on the Internet (you know, if the Internet disappeared tomorrow, I really wouldn't know what to do with myself!)

I recently came across an opportunity to donate to a worth cause, while at the same time invest in the long term growth of my web projects. Right now, the folks who run the Digital Point Forums are in the middle of a fundraiser to raise cash for new equipment. The Digital Point Forums (DP) have grown at a fantastic rate, thanks in no small part to the hard work and common sense management by DP owner and administrator Shawn Hogan. The DP website now gets over one million unique, non-bot IP hits per day, and all that traffic has caused some throughput issues, as you can imagine.

Why donate $2,000? Well, for starters, I use DP almost daily. DP's free keyword tracker saves me a lot of time by automatically monitoring the various mission critical keywords and keyphrases I watch. Furthermore, I've learned a great deal as a DP member. There are a lot of smart folks who frequent the forums, and they often post excellent tips and advice, information that I've used to make myself a "better" web publisher.

Of course, being the natural-born trader I am, I found the offer of a PR7 text link that's offered in exchange for any donation over $500 very appealing.

Ok, so why donate $2,000 when $500 seems generous enough? The answer: because I'm very competitive, and $2,000 makes me the top donor to date! Care to top me? Be my guest!

Of course, all donations--even donations as small as $1--are welcome. If you use DP's forums and free services a lot, then making a donation is the right thing to do.

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