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Domain Blog

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Monday, May 31, 2010

Wanted to Get Out, But The Recession Kept Me In

PornWhen I left my reasonably comfortable job I had @ a big NYC law firm, I was willing to do anything to make it on my own. I realized the potential of the Internet and decided that I was going to make a million dollars online, or die tryin'.

So, yeah: I got into porn. Nothing illegal or sick, just a few adult entertainment sites that make money by offering downloadable video clips. Niche sites that served me quite for about a decade.

For the first 4 years these sites made good money. Income from these sites began to slip after 2004, due to a massive increase in competition. Big corporations with deep pockets started to get into porn in a big way. However, I was still making enough to justify keeping the sites up and updated. When you have to support a family, every penny counts.

After the banking crisis and subsequent Great Recession, income from these sites continued to plummet, but the sites still made enough to pay for themselves and to cover a few bills.

Just before the recession, I was planning on either selling these sites or shutting them down. Why? Because I had my first child in 2003, and, as a new dad, I didn't want to be in the adult game anymore.

I see porn as entertainment, and just like alcohol or gambling, too much can be destructive. However, just because some people are prone to excess, doesn't mean that everyone should be denied access to this type of fun. Those who would like to see online porn banned forever should remember how successful prohibition was. Yep.

My plan was to first stop accepting new signups by simply removing the signup pages from my sites. Then, after all current memberships expired, I was going to shut them down.

But now it's 2010, and I'm still a porn webmaster.

I don't update any of my adult sites anymore, and I won't, ever. They will simply live on, in limbo, until I can afford to get rid of them for good. I'm hoping that'll be soon.

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