www.FedPrimeRate.com - The United States Prime Rate Website

Domain Blog

A blog about domain names and making a living on the Internet.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Using Polls to Make My Domains More Interactive

Webmasters have been using polls to make websites more interactive for many years now. It's a great way to make a site more interesting for visitors: give your visitors something interesting to do and it is more likely that they'll return again for more fun in the future.

I've recently found a great poll CGI (PERL) program that I'm now testing on some of the domains I'm developing. If you like polls, please stop by my polls and vote:

Student Loan Poll

0% Credit Card Balance Transfer Poll

Credit Card Internet Merchant Account Provider Poll

Online Dating Poll

Affiliate Programs Poll

eBay Poll

Debt Poll

Auto Insurance Poll

Last, but certainly not least:

Domain Blog Poll

If you are interesting in making your domains more interactive using the software I've discovered, click here to visit the Poll It website. It's FREE (don't you just love free stuff that's useful?) and completely customizable. Setup is very easy. If you've installed CGI scripts before then you could probably setup this program in your sleep (if you have any trouble with setup shoot me an email. I'm happy to help.)

If you decide to install Poll It on your site(s), post a comment here so we can visit your site and vote in your poll! We'll make it poll party! :o)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are also sites that conduct the polls for your for free so that you do not need software. I have one I made about a year ago:


But I have found some that are much more colorful and you can use HTML to add them to your pages. Do not remember the name though, but there are all over on people's blogs.

Monday, April 11, 2005 4:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

> There are also sites
> that conduct the polls
> for your for free...

Yeah, I know about those sites, but I like to have full control over my content; I don't like having to rely on another website for anything. What if the provider website site goes down or out of business?

Domain Blog

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 2:46:00 PM  

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