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Friday, November 02, 2007

Google Wipes Out An Internet Cottage Industry

Google has just wiped out an entire Internet cottage industry: selling text links. Sites that are known to sell links are being penalized like crazy with the latest Google Pagerank update, with some sites dropping from PR7 to PR0.

Is this a good thing? Maybe. But, from my perspective, it's a raw deal.

I have a site that ranks well in Google for competitive keyphrases, despite having pages with low or no Pagerank. However, another site of mine used to have PR on many pages, but now has PR0 on all pages. Never sold links on it, all original content and the site has plenty of quality incoming links. The site is still being indexed (according to Google's Webmaster Tools), so I know it's not officially banned by Google, but it doesn't rank for anything, so, in essence, it might as well be. This situation is frustrating, not because I'm some bitter Internet publisher with a new site that contains crappy content, but because the site has age, and my content is much better than most sites that rank above me. And I know my site's content is good, because I'm constantly finding new (and unsolicited) links from very respectable sites -- and that's the kind of proof that Google should acknowledge, n'est ce pas?

My site has been sodomized, without the benefit of K-Y or a reach-around. I am being forced to perform Adwords fellatio on Google, and I don't like the taste. Yep.

Once again, the folks at Google have found a way to alienate this webmaster. But don't worry, G, we're still friends (yes, I like to pretend that you care.) I love Gmail and Analytics and Google Maps, and I'm still impressed with how sophisticated yet user-friendly the Adwords platform is. I just hope big G shows my neglected sites some love in the near future.

For the record: I don't have an issue with Google trying to maintain the quality of its index. I do have a problem, however, with the hypocrisy of certain methods the company is employing. It appears that Google is penalizing sites that sell links to pass on Pagerank, but do you think that they are penalizing sites like Business.com or Yahoo!? These sites sell links that pass on Pagerank, and they charge a lot more than most sites that Google is currently penalizing.

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