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Domain Blog

A blog about domain names and making a living on the Internet.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

How Much Is Your Domain Portfolio Worth?

valuing domain names and websitesMost readers of this blog have, at some time or the other, indulged in a bit of domain speculation. And what better way to pass the time on a warm summer afternoon than speculating on the value of our portfolios and the riches awaiting us on disposal?

But how do you value a domain?

With physical assets such as houses, sale prices of neighboring properties provide a reasonable guide. With other asset classes such as gold and shares, very definite markets exist within which prices are constantly fluctuating. With intangibles like domains and websites however, it's a little trickier. The old adage that it's worth only what someone is willing to pay for it is all very true but ... it doesn't help you put a figure to the online property.

That's where the various online valuation services come into play. There are paid ones, yes, but there are also a lot of free services. So you just head on over to one of those and have each individual domain in your portfolio valued at the speed of your average broadband, right? Wrong!

A detailed valuation report at SitePoint explains just how these services demonstrate the art of being free and still being a con.

Quite simply, nobody can put an accurate value to a domain or website as the price one buyer is willing to pay for it could differ quite considerably from what another would. The best way to test the market is in a competitive auction. Even that isn't 100% efficient as the auction is viewed only by a small selection of buyers. There is one site that monitors sale prices and tries to predict value based on what sites similar to yours have sold for. That's your best bet for getting a close enough picture. For further reading, try this site that provides a lot of useful information on buying and selling websites and domains.

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Anonymous Samrat Yadav said...

Interesting article. Not very sure how big a business this is really these days with other domain extension alternatives available for registration.

I have been running a web business for 10 years and am YET to see a client who actually paid a fortune to get the domain he wanted. Mostly people these days switch to another available domain extension.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Domain Names said...

> switch to another available
> domain extension...

I hear you. I've enjoyed lots of success with .US and .TV domain names. Dot-COM is still king, but I think other great extensions are being developed at such a rapid pace that their full adoption can't be far away.

Dot-TV is doing very well in the UK.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:23:00 PM  
Anonymous drknuth said...

I have got DoctorsTouch.net going up for auction at Bido next week on Sept 8th, and I have absolutely no idea how well it will do. On one hand it is a nice two word medical domain, but on the other hand it is a .net

I guess I will find out.
Stay tuned to see the result!

Saturday, September 05, 2009 1:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Victor said...

I have got a portfolio with more than 1,400 domains and I have gathered in a web site: domains4.biz. I would like to know how much is my portfolio worth, but I don't know if there is any tool for doing the valuation as a whole.

Thank you.

Friday, October 09, 2009 7:14:00 AM  
Anonymous free domains philippines said...

nowadays there also country domain extension which is also effective for some businesses.

Thursday, November 26, 2009 7:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Cheapest Singapore Domains said...


A great post! Have you considered investing in .SG domain names before? The Singapore domain extension has great potential being a 1st world country in SE-Asia.

Check out http://www.j2technology.com/domain-names.php to register .sg domain names at best prices.


Sunday, June 06, 2010 11:03:00 AM  

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