Has Disappeared!

I had been using it to drive some extra traffic to my blogs. I don't remember when I started using it, but it was more than a year ago.
It works as a "blog viewing" exchange. The system presents me with blogs, and I have to view each one for at least 30 seconds. I get credit for each blog viewed. I can use these credits to get other members to view my blogs, for at least 30 seconds, of course.
But it seems that is dead. I haven't been able to access the site for the last 3 days.
To be perfectly honest, I'm not too surprised. This recession is going to cause a lot of Internet startups to close and close suddenly. I know first hand how hard it is to make a real living online.
I've been scaling back a lot over the past two weeks. I closed down my web hosting site the other day. It was a waste of money. Going to concentrate on consolidating my other money-making sites now, and producing a lot more content.
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I hope not. I used blog explosion to bring traffic to my blog several years back and it really worked. I met a lot of great people and developed a great readership.
I closed that blog and took about a year off. So, when I wanted to begin blogging again, I went to blog explosion. I've only been using it for about a month.
Let's hope it comes back.
> I hope not...
Still nothing today. Site is still dead.
I agree: the traffic quality is good -- or should I write was good.
I got these stats from Google's cache of the site:
Blogs Visited
Blogs in Directory
Blogs Reviewed
I know it was sold back in 2006, and almost sold again in 2007!
I think it's hard to monetize an online property like BlogExplosion. Bloggers are viewing each others blogs mostly, so how does a site like that make money? Maybe the owners should have tried placing ads right next to the area where you click a number to go to the next blog. Could have helped give legs to the business model.
The support was terrible but the traffic exchange was cool.
What's the best alternative?
My vote is that they are dead dead.
Their domain is owned by The name server for those two domains (and 135 other domains) is also down.
But that's not what the CEO of LiveUniverse is saying though according to a CNET article I found:
"In Pageflakes' case the site began experiencing problems early Thursday, which coincided with several other sites from parent company LiveUniverse going down. These sites, including LiveVideo, MeeVee, and Revver are all currently offline (which in Revver's case appears to happen a lot).
We contacted Live Universe founder and CEO Brad Greenspan about it, who says the downtime is simply a part of migration to a new data center in Los Angeles that has "lots of servers." Greenspan also said that the sites should be back up in the next few hours."
The article doesn't mention blogexplosion directly, but it is part of the liveuniverse network. Also, it's been more than 24 hours since the CEO gave the quote about sites being up again in the next few hours.
Blogexplosion (and the people who run it) have been bad about server moves in the past though so it doesn't shock me too much if that is all this is.
> the sites should be back up
> in the next few hours...
Did anyone receive a warning about a server move? Was a warning posted on the BE website?
As far as I know, there was no warning on the BE website itself with regard to any server move. Their tech support was perhaps mediocre at best, but it must have gone in the toilet sometime between late 2007 and late last year. I had also noticed that the member forums had been practically flooded with spam - making it all but impossible to find a substantive message anywhere (and the few I could find, were complaints of problems).
As of January, I gathered that there were a couple volunteers who were approving blogs, but beyond that, no one to answer tech support questions, approve banners, credit purchases of advertising and so on.
Too bad. Nice while it lasted.
So, it is not just me! :(
Have over 1000 points not used yet... :(
Wow, I really hope blog explosion isn't dead.
Does anyone else know of any alternatives? I think I found a site called blog clicker. I hope it's just as good.
> Have over 1000 points
> not used yet...
Did you pay for those credits or did you earn them surfing?
I bought credits twice back in 2007. Recently, I was toying with the idea of buying some more. Glad I didn't.
FYI: One of the BlogExplosion blogs is still up: I just posted a comment asking if they are ever coming back. Let's see if anyone responds...
Thanks for writing this post.
I've been wondering what has happened to BE for a few days now. Even if it is completely dead I can relax a bit more knowing that there is at least some explanation for it.
Just bought 4000 credit a couple of days before it stopped. I am annoyed, very annoyed. Hope they'll be back
> Just bought 4000 credit
> a couple of days before
> it stopped...
You shouldn't have a problem getting your money back if you paid by credit card.
Hehe... Guess what folks: it's back.
I just tried the URL and it came up like nothing every happened.
I'm happy that's it's back, but I'm not pleased about the unnecessary drama!
A group of users are trying to clean up the forums and working on a way to get the attention of the owners.
The goal is to get volunteer mods put in place for the forums, blog approvals, and to look at support tickets. There are more than a couple people who would gladly volunteer their time to keep the BlogExplosion community from dying.
Check the forums for more information.
Woo! Already there! We need everyone's help. Come on out and post something on the forums!
I think it is. I've been working on my own program called the blog viewer, unlike Blogexplosion there is no money or points involved, just a program that rotates through blogs. So far no one has submitted their URL to me to add to this program so it is pretty much useless. If you want to add and join this program please post your URLs to add at the following address:
Right now I just manually add the addresses to the program and people can update the program by downloading it again.
> I think it is...
Yep, right now it's down again. But this is very likely another brief outage.
It's now 2011. Do you know where your Blog Explosion is? And more importantly IS their an alternative blog traffic exchange program that is not filled with business blogs (like is)
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