GoDaddy Coupon Codes
If you want to save some money on your GoDaddy domain name registrations, use one of GoDaddy's coupon codes when you check out.
Many GoDaddy coupon codes eventually expire, but some don't. The trick is to try a few codes when you check out and use the one code that is a) working and b) saves you the most on your order. A coupon code that gives you $2 off your order is usually the best way to go is you are only ordering one domain name that costs $10 or less. But if you were to order 3 .TV domain names with a total cost of $105, you would want to use a 10% off coupon instead, as this would save you more money.
Here are some GoDaddy codes that I've used recently:
Code: buy1 - $2 off .COM names.
Code: saveten - 10% off your order total.
Code: savenow - 10% off your order total.
Code: usa6 - $1 off your order total.
Code: goox3004at - $2 off any order (this one may have expired, but give it a try anyway!)
Code: gdg103130 - The is the most recent coupon code I've come across, and it's also one of the best! This code will get you 22% off ALL .COM, .US, .NET, .ORG, and .BIZ domain names; it will also get you 30% off ALL .INFO, .WS and .NAME domain names. This one may expire soon, so don't procrastinate!
Enjoy the codes!
Many GoDaddy coupon codes eventually expire, but some don't. The trick is to try a few codes when you check out and use the one code that is a) working and b) saves you the most on your order. A coupon code that gives you $2 off your order is usually the best way to go is you are only ordering one domain name that costs $10 or less. But if you were to order 3 .TV domain names with a total cost of $105, you would want to use a 10% off coupon instead, as this would save you more money.
Here are some GoDaddy codes that I've used recently:
Code: buy1 - $2 off .COM names.
Code: saveten - 10% off your order total.
Code: savenow - 10% off your order total.
Code: usa6 - $1 off your order total.
Code: goox3004at - $2 off any order (this one may have expired, but give it a try anyway!)
Code: gdg103130 - The is the most recent coupon code I've come across, and it's also one of the best! This code will get you 22% off ALL .COM, .US, .NET, .ORG, and .BIZ domain names; it will also get you 30% off ALL .INFO, .WS and .NAME domain names. This one may expire soon, so don't procrastinate!
Enjoy the codes!
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"david" still works for $1 off your order...
11-17-2005 @ 12:25AM and the gdg103130 coupon still works!
Oops - thats 11-18-2005 at 12:25AM I meant. ;-)
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