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Domain Blog

A blog about domain names and making a living on the Internet.

Friday, July 08, 2005

"Google AdSense Account Disabled"

My Google AdSense account has been "disabled" (or, to be more clear, has been terminated/cancelled.) "Google AdSense Account Disabled" was the subject line of an email message I received on Tuesday (July 5, 2005.) Here is the content of that email:

It has come to our attention that invalid clicks have been generated on
the ads on your web pages. We have therefore disabled your Google
AdSense account. Please understand that this step was taken in an
effort to protect the interest of the AdWords advertisers.

A publisher's site may not have invalid clicks on any ad(s), including
but not limited to clicks generated by a publisher on his own web
pages, clicks generated through the use of robots, automated clicking
tools, or any other deceptive software.

Practices such as these are in violation of the Google AdSense Terms
and Conditions and program polices, which can be viewed at:


Publishers disabled for invalid click activity are not allowed further
participation in AdSense and do not receive any further payment. The
earnings on your account will be properly returned to the affected


The Google AdSense Team
My very first feeling was that the email message was just another annoying spam or phishing email. But when I tried to login to AdSense, this is what I got:

Account Not Active

An AdSense account does not exist for this login, as it is associated with an unapproved application. For more information about your application, please review the message we sent to the email address you provided with your application.

I have twice responded (via email) to the "account disabled" message they sent me, asking them to give me a full, detailed explanation of the circumstances that lead to their decision to terminate my account. It's been 5 days since I sent my replies and the Google Team has yet to send me a response. I've read quite a few stories about other people's AdSense account cancellations, and I understand that Google rarely bothers to provide an explanation. I really thought that they would extend the courtesy of an explanation to me since I am an AdWords advertiser, and they know am I because the email address that I used for my AdSense account is the same one I use for AdWords.

Sabotage? That certainly crossed my mind, especially because it is quite easy to sabotage an AdSense account. But I after thinking about it for a while and discussing my situation over @ DP, I realized that there could be a number of other explanations for the termination. But I may never know why, as Google is well known for not providing any detailed explanations regarding terminated AdSense accounts. The termination email I received was most likely generated by one of Google's many sophisticated algorithms, and I've been told that the term "invalid clicks" is a Google term that can cover anything from blatant cheating to having AdSense code on a site with too many banner ads.

FYI: The Google AdSense Terms of Service (TOS) gives Google the right to cancel anyone's account at any time, and they don't have to give a reason.

used with permission of artist

Account terminations are becoming more common these days and I'm quite certain that it's because they're just plain fed up with all the click fraud going on. Google was recently awarded $75,000 in a case against a flagrant AdSense cheater operating out of Texas (apparently they were paying people to click on ads!) I think that's great. The big time cheaters need to pay. But what about folks like me who don't cheat? Why is Google targeting people like me?

I had placed AdSense code on the vast majority of my functioning websites (well over 100 sites) so I certainly wasn't going to do anything silly like click on my own ads. That form of cheating is so easy to detect, so to do so would be really quite stupid. Every once in a while, an accidental click would happen, usually caused by my baby girl playing with my mouse when I wasn't looking (she's only 2 years old but she moves so fast!) I always did the right thing and sent Google an email informing them of the accidental click, and asked them to refund the advertiser if possible. Could those few accidental clicks been a factor in their decision to cancel my account? Maybe. Who knows?

Or maybe, as certain DP Forum members have postulated, maybe they cancelled my account because I had AdSense running on my free poker website. Their TOS stipulates:

Site may not include...Gambling or casino-related content...
However, my free poker site is just that: free poker. No money has even been solicited on the website; never has and never will be. I don't like gambling; if I were to run a true gambling site, that would put me in the same league as those people who don't mind taking a gambling addict's last dollar. That's not me, but I do enjoy playing poker, and I put the site together for folks who, like me, enjoy the game, even when no money is being wagered.

But maybe Google's interpretation of my free poker site is "poker = gambling". Who knows?

Some folks @ DP have speculated that my account termination was justified because certain sites I own could be seen as "made for AdSense", and "made for AdSense" sites are not permitted, as stipulated in their TOS. It's possible, I guess. Who knows?

Or maybe the Google Team didn't like the way I link all my sites together. Maybe. Who knows?!

Or maybe Team Google is just fed up with me. After all, there have been times in the past when they've asked me to remove their AdSense code from certain sites I own that are configured as custom parked pages. These pages contain original, written content--written by me, of course--and in my eyes were perfect candidates for the AdSense program (the ads displayed were usually ads about domain registration, which, in my opinion, were a great match for these pages.) Whenever they asked me to remove the AdSense code from a site, I did so right away, but often I would reply and let them know why I thought their request was not fair. Contributing factor? Maybe. Who knows?!

Some people have managed to convince Google to restore their "disabled" AdSense account, and I think that's great. But I am now forced to reconfigure (remove the AdSense code and replace it with some other affiliate links) most of my websites because of this mysterious account termination, which has taken up a whole lot of my precious time, and I don't think that I would want to reverse this process if my AdSense account were restored (I have backed-up all my files, of course.) Who has the time for this? Not me. So I'm movin' on, establishing new affiliate relationships with Commission Junction and other reputable affiliate program operators. I'd still like to have my account reinstated, mainly so that I can get paid the money I earned for delivering quality traffic to Google's AdWords advertisers last month (how much? Close to $1,000.) I'd also like some vindication, as anyone in my position would.

used with permission of artist

It is my opinion that the Google AdSense Team has not treated me fairly, and I hope that other folks who've had their AdSense account "disabled" for no apparent reason read this blog entry, so that they can at least have comfort in the knowledge that others have met the same unjust fate.

Will I miss AdSense? Sure I will. AdSense is an excellent affiliate program and I would recommend it to anyone with a website that receives A LOT of traffic--I'm talking about traffic volume that would generate at least $5000 worth of clicks each and every month. Otherwise, don't bother.

Bottom line: it's far easier to make money when you're getting paid "per click" as opposed to "per lead" or "per sale." Yup. But I'll be just fine, especially when Yahoo! (and MSN?) unveils their version of AdSense which I am hoping will be comparable (or even better?) than the Google original.

I wonder: now that my AdSense account has been terminated, is my AdWords account in jeopardy? Could Google shut down my precious domain blog? (Google owns Blogger.) I certainly hope not! This blog is fast becoming the heart of my domain empire, and I sure wouldn't want anything to happen to it. Perhaps it's time to give WordPress a try! I sure I could find a nifty converter somewhere.

To Google AdSense Publishers: Some advice to AdSense publishers--especially to those who have AdSense running on multiple websites: remove AdSense from any site that you think might offend the Google gods or else your account may suffer the same fate that mine has. Check your earnings often; If you start noticing clicks worth $0.00, contact Google and ask them about it. Google is on a rampage, terminating accounts with extreme prejudice. They are canceling accounts first, and they aren't bothering to ask questions later. It is my opinion that they are under some pressure to respond to all the click fraud going on, and because of this pressure it may be that they are no longer issuing warnings to publishers who they feel have broken the rules in some way, instead opting to disable accounts summarily.

To The Google AdSense Team: I'm still waiting for a response from you. I'm an AdWords advertiser, so I think you should show me some love here. I'm still very interested in knowing the exact reason(s) why you decided to disable my AdSense account. Do me a favor and reply, please, or you can click here to send me an email. Thanks! And, for what it's worth, I really think you have...well..."interesting" priorities. Right at this very moment, there are unnumbered webmasters out there who are overtly and blatantly defrauding the AdSense systems with obvious and easily detectable click fraud schemes. Don't you think you ought to take care of them first? Hmmm...

Has your AdSense account been "disabled"/"terminated"/"cancelled" for no apparent reason? Please post a comment and share your story.

Thanks for reading. I promise bring the free domain name giveaway back to this blog just as soon as I get all my websites sorted out!

My prayers to those who have suffered and are still suffering in London.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog entry, hope G read it and take a look into your case. I think anyone getting a ban without a warning or a good reason needs to be changed how can the community learn if we are not told why things happen.

Hang in there, keep on emailing G and have a good weekend.

Saturday, July 09, 2005 4:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiya Critters:

> how can the community learn
> if we are not told why
> things happen...

Precisely! Keeping us in the dark about account terminations just doesn't make sense, IMO. They need be more open about such matters so that all AdSense publishers can learn and benefit, and enjoy the best possible success with the program.

Domain Blog

Saturday, July 09, 2005 4:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Cub,My account was disabled too,to the best of my knowldege due to a stupid friend and a rival site administrator of mine.Well atleast thats what I think happened but anyway There are other fish in the see so hopefully you will find another good affiliate program :-)

Saturday, July 09, 2005 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi www.amcy.org!

Let's me to use your nick name in DP forum. I recall that you are the guy who always posts condensed and meaningful posts in that forum. I visited some of your site in your signature.

Today I was shocked to know that your account has been banned. Beleive me! the feeling is exactly like what I felt several months ago.

My situation is different from you. My first account was disable due to invalid clicks (because my friends they want to help me! but ...) and I wanted to join them again with the other domain, address ... But this time I already learnt a lesson so I did exactly what TOS told me to do. But they wait untill my account have some hundreds bucks and they banned me with the email "blah blah ... your money MIGHT be returned to advertisers"

I know that I am wrong in the first time, but why don't they give me a chance for the second time. We have prison and imprison criminal, we release him and give him a chance to integrate back into the society because we think he already had a lesson. Jesus died for our sins and forgave our sins ... why the mighty G does not ...

Saturday, July 09, 2005 4:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever they asked me to remove the AdSense code from a site, I did so right

Guy, you were so lucky in the past!
I mean, really, I don't know of anyone else to whom google would ask to remove adsense from certain sites.
They usually, will ban the account on the first attemp.
I think these cases me be on your expedient and with a little that might happen lately it triggered the ban.

Saturday, July 09, 2005 11:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

> I don't know of anyone else
> to whom Google would ask to
> remove AdSense from certain
> sites...

Lots of people have received warnings from Google. Look around in the popular AdSense forums and you'll see.

Google was in the habit of sending out warnings, but now I think that they've changed their policy, probably because of the lawsuits that they now find themselves in. They are now being sued for not doing enough to prevent click fraud, and though they won their last court case related AdSense, they could easily lose their future court battles. And if they lose, I'm willing to bet that they'll terminate accounts at an even faster pace than they are doing now.

Domain Blog

Saturday, July 09, 2005 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Getting me nervous. Good luck.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005 3:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They probably got sick of you; they've been improving standards lately, and if you've had multiple warnings, well...

Thursday, July 14, 2005 3:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

> and if you've had
> multiple warnings, well...

It's certainly possible that they got tired of sending me email warnings about certain minor violations to the TOS, but don't think for one minute that they are only "disabling" accounts that have violations. I know of other folks who have recetly had their AdSense account restored after Google "disabled" their account without just cause.

If Google doesn't want to do business with me anymore, I can accept that--no problem. But every account "disabling" should be accompanied by a detailed explanation, not a computer generate form email.

Domain Blog

Friday, July 15, 2005 2:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

same thing happened to me :(
they would not respond to my reply.
so i wrote t them from the adsense homepage. they replied with a generic "we take click-fraud" seriously crap.
i did not do anything wrong. can't wait for yahoo publisher

Friday, July 15, 2005 3:26:00 PM  
Blogger Maxwell Adams said...

Good luck with getting your adsense account back. I really hope you succeed. Your experience seems to have struck fear into many publishers.

Saturday, July 16, 2005 5:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I highly recommend taking a look at word press. I just had all my blogs (and every blog to which I was a contributor) deleted from both blogger and blogspot. Without explanation, and no one's gotten back to me yet.

At the very least, make regular backups. (They didn't cancel my account, so I could recreate the blogs if I wanted, but I'm not sure it's worth the trouble...they were really just blogs for experimenting).

Saturday, July 16, 2005 6:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

> I just had all my blogs
> (and every blog to which
> I was a contributor) deleted
> from both blogger and blogspot.
> Without explanation, and no
> one's gotten back to me yet...

That sounds awfully strange. I've never heard of a Blogger blog getting cancelled, which explains why there are so many junk and spam blogs within the Blogger system.

I agree: it's a great idea to backup any blog, especially a Blogger blog. I personally host my blogs on my own server, so I can control almost everything, including regular backups.

Domain Blog

Monday, July 18, 2005 3:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Google is wierd. My account was disabled two days ago for the same exact reason. Only thing is that a few hours before I couldnt login I only had 3 clicks with over 1,000 impressions. I rarely get any clicks at all and they still disabled me.

Monday, July 18, 2005 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget the current account, get a new site, new IP and a new address apply for it, and you will be again a member of Adsense.

Run it again on your sites which were currently running Adsense.

Banning from Adsense programs is absolutely weird if you don`t tell the details.

I myself feel scared sometimes, since I earn close to $200 per day, and is my major source of income.

What if I get banned?

Monday, July 18, 2005 12:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

> My account was disabled two
> days ago for the same exact
> reason. Only thing is that a
> few hours before I couldn't
> login I only had 3 clicks with
> over 1,000 impressions. I rarely
> get any clicks at all and they
> still disabled me...

So your account was disabled and you received the same, standard form email that everyone gets, right? And that's exactly the problem here: Google doesn't have enough respect for it's publishers to send them a real email from a real person detailing the exact reason for the account termination.

Well, I can offer you some information. Google recently modified their Terms of Service (TOS) so that they can legally shut down any account that isn't performing well. Here's a quote from the new TOS:

Google reserves the right to terminate without notice any account that has not generated a sufficient number of valid clicks on or valid impressions of Ads (as measured by Google) for a period of two (2) months or more.

So they probably disabled your account because your click-through rate didn't make their quota.

Now, don't you wish Google took the time to send you that info?

Domain Blog

Monday, July 18, 2005 1:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

> I myself feel scared sometimes,
> since I earn close to $200 per
> day, and is my major source of
> income. What if I get banned?

If you're not clicking your own ads and your site doesn't violate their Terms of Service in any way, then you should be just fine. I recommend that you keep your website to yourself, so that no one can sabotage your account by generating "invalid clicks."

Domain Blog

Monday, July 18, 2005 1:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

> Forget the current account,
> get a new site, new IP and a
> new address apply for it, and
> you will be again a member of
> AdSense. Run it again on your
> sites which were currently
> running AdSense...

Not a good idea! Sooner or later, they'll just disable your account again, as they've done to others who've tried this.

Domain Blog

Monday, July 18, 2005 1:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>So your account was disabled and
>you received the same, standard
>form email that everyone gets,
>right? And that's exactly the
>problem here: Google doesn't have
>enough respect for it's
>publishers to send them a real
>email from a real person
>detailing the exact reason for
>the account termination.

This is not the first time that I have been banned from adsense. The first time I got banned I emailed them for more details on why I was banned and they said by giving me the info they would be giving away their alogrithim or some crap like that. Just shows you that google doesnt really care about the publishers.

Monday, July 18, 2005 3:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I received the same exact e-mail today! I've had the site running for a couple of months, worked hard to generate traffic, earned $180 in Google Adsense revenue and, right before the amount was due to be paid, VOILA! "Your account has been terminated!" Unfair, but who cares? They won't see any business from me in the future either! I'll be using only Yahoo and MSN.com etc.! How about that! Life is better without arrogant Google anyway! Cheers!

Thursday, July 28, 2005 1:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! my google adsense has just been disable recently.. I wonder if i could re-apply again with different email but same website? will they accept?

Thursday, September 15, 2005 7:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had Adsense for over two years and finally made it $100 about two months ago. The was due in large part to a new site my wife took over. It's a beauty site with lots of great Adsense ads that pay high. So in the past two months we hit our $100 mark and was on our way to another $100 by next month. What really pisses me off is I havn't been paid yet for the last $100 and if I had to guess I wont be. So for the last two years I have been w/ adsense and the money I made off of it is gone. What a bunch of BS. I have e-mailed google, but the ods of my account be reinstated is slim to none and slim has just left town.

Friday, September 16, 2005 7:11:00 PM  
Blogger Steve Brown said...

> I have e-mailed google...

I am sorry to read about your account getting disabled. You work hard for months and even years to get quality traffic to your site, then once you actually start making money with the AdSense program, they go and pull the plug on you!!! It's not right.

I am glad that you emailed Google about your account. If you are innocent then you may get your account reinstated. I wish you all the best, and don't forget that people are already making money with Yahoo's Publisher Network (Yahoo's version of AdSense) even though the program is still in beta testing. You can apply for inclusion in the Yahoo's beta program by clicking here.

Saturday, September 17, 2005 1:00:00 PM  
Blogger Steve Brown said...

> Hi! my google adsense has
> just been disable recently.
> I wonder if i could
> re-apply again with
> different email but same
> website? will they accept?

Don't bother trying to get back in with the same website. You might be able to get a new account, but eventually their system will match up your current and previous accounts, and then your new account will get disabled. I've read about this happening to a few folks in the forums I frequent.

Remember, Google can track what you are up to by your IP address(es) and by using cookies.

In your situation, you should either ask Google to reinstate your account, or move on to the next best thing (Yahoo's Publisher Network will be out of beta soon enough.)

Saturday, September 17, 2005 1:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! If an adsense acc was ban, does that means this acc was ban forever? even though if we create a new acc with other site then add that ban site again. Just wanted to know how is adsense acc disable are. Many thanks

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 12:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

> I also informed them
> last month of hundreds
> of invalid clicks generated
> by some fool from DPforum
> who got cancelled and was
> trying to get people together
> to form a click fraud group
> to get others banned...

Sorry to read that you AdSense account has been "disabled".

I highly recommend that you apply to the Yahoo Publisher Network program. They are obviously interested and forming real relationships with publishers: if you have clean sites with good content, then you should do very well with Yahoo!

And be careful on DP. It's a fantastic forum, and I've learned a great deal there. But DP also attracts the worst kind of people, like the people who form "click fraud groups", etc. You'll notice that the people who make big $$$ with AdSense or YPN don't post links to their sites in their signatures, etc. That's because there are people in the world who see other people's success and react by trying to ruin it. Be careful, these types are all over the Internet!

You might want to also try Commission Junction, which you can use in conjunction with YPN. I've done well with them so far (I signed up with CJ.com after my AdSense account was disabled) and I'll keep that account forever. CJ.com is great; stress-free because you get paid for leads and sales, not clicks (no "account disabled" worries.) If you have the right kind of content, you can do VERY well with Commission Junction.

I've also read that a lot of folks are doing well with Chitika.com, though I can't comment since I haven't tried them yet.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 2:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my account was diabled a week ago, it had a balance of 70$ and though they allowed me to appeal, it was not reinstated. And yesterday my friends acount was disabled siting the reason that it was related to my already disabled account,(he joined as my referral) now not only that i lost money i'm also responsible to my friend for him loosing his money due to his relation to my account. I though the decison of google was unfair and they never provided any explantation for their action.

Friday, July 27, 2007 5:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It takes a forever to hear back from Google once you reapply.
Trust me I've been through this long and frustrating process.

I would start looking elsewhere for another ad provider.

You can try to apply to the Yahoo Publisher Beta Program but they are only looking for certain web sites.

I got the old "We have reviewed your request and we regret to inform you that you were not accepted into the program." treatment from them.

There is also this company called Adbrite which works pretty well. It won't make you as much money as Adsense but it looks the same if not better. Here is their link http://www.adbrite.com/mb/landing_both.php?spid=63580

Monday, February 11, 2008 2:57:00 PM  
Blogger Ioannis Mitrou's Dental Blog said...

Welcome to the club!
My account was disabled two days ago.
Why is Google targeting people like me?
Is the same question like yours.
I want only one thing nothing more.
Why you decided to disable/cancel my AdSense account?
I had 85$ in 4 months!!!
WHY you cancel my account?
I did not do anything wrong.
I don't click on my ads.
Just like that without a reason a warning email for something I do not know : your account is canceled.WHY?

Wednesday, April 30, 2008 4:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im really late on this post lol but oh well. Anyway, two weeks ago i too had my account deleted and I can honestly say (like you) that i did NOT do anything dishonest. I was with adsense for almost 4 years and I had never done anything wrong. And then suddenly I wake up, log on and poof "your account has been disabled". My heart dropped. Maybe yours didnt, but thats prolly because you make money elsewhere than google adsense.. which is the SMART thing to do. But I just figured even tho ive been screwed before that maybe for ONCE something would turn out right for me. So i left my worries on the back burner and never felt the need TO make money any other way than what I was doing.

Obviously I was wrong. And now for the last two weeks Ive been freaking out about how to make money online. At least when you have a site and its adsense you know your going to make something. But these affiliate programs are scary because really, nothing is guranteed. And? I suck at this "selling" stuff lol. So I think by the end of this week ill prolly be living in the streets... cuz A) google your a dumbass and B) kristi your a dumbass.

Pfft. Heres to wishin this black cloud leaves my life, once again.


Monday, May 26, 2008 12:28:00 AM  
Blogger Ioannis Mitrou's Dental Blog said...

Hi kristi
this is Ioannis
the scary thing I thing is to depend your life on Google.

Monday, May 26, 2008 3:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

> Ive been freaking out about
> how to make money online...

@Kristi - sorry to read about your situation.

Don't beat yourself up too much. Live and learn. You put all your eggs in the Google basket and big G fried them up. Don't worry too much about it.

Before I got banned from the AdSense program, I was making about $1,000 per month with it, and I was happy. I realize now that what I was doing was totally wrong and foolish. Placing G ads on certain sites was fine, but on others it was just stupid, because I was getting paid ~$5 per click, while the advertiser was making up to $100 as a result of me GIVING AWAY MY VALUABLE TRAFFIC! I now make much more than $1,000 per month because I got MUCH smarter about how to make money online. Trust me: AdSense is the right program for many sites, but with some extra effort, most webmasters can do much, much better than what AdSense offers their publishers.

Of course, even if AdSense is the right program for a particular website, G could just ban you at some point anyway, and that's just not acceptable. With AdSense, G has ALL THE CONTROL. You might as well go back to working 9-5 for a boss who can fire you or lay you off at any moment, if you see what I mean.

If you develop a site really well, advertisers will line up to place their ads on your site, and you will do fine. That's the bottom line.

Do your sites contain quality, original content? If so, you should apply for YPN, if you haven't done so already. I've been with them for a while now and I've been very happy with the way they do business.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008 6:46:00 PM  
Blogger MaxiVelasco said...

hi. really nice entry here.

i also used to have adsense ads on my blog. it was going well until google adsense sent me a termination email... just like yours. i could not understand them since i did not violate any rule at all. however, i am not sure if there are some people out there who are visiting my site... possibly doing so many clicks. but i really do not know why. i felt bad especially when they did not give me another chance to retrieve my account.

just sad...

Friday, October 10, 2008 5:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ maxi: Thanks for your post.

I see that your are using BidVertiser Ads. How is that working out for you?

Friday, October 10, 2008 1:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Dale said...

Great post...however a solution to this problem is set to hit the market this week...search term adsense disabled according to 2 forums...but it is set to role on yahoo! search market..good luck

Monday, July 13, 2009 1:37:00 AM  

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