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Domain Blog

A blog about domain names and making a living on the Internet.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A Great .TV Thread @ NamePros

Curious about the somewhat mysterious .TV domain? Dot TV names are becoming much more popular these days, and the rise of .TV really shouldn't surprise anyone. After all, the namespace has many advantages over it's generic top level domain siblings like .COM or .NET.

The most obvious strength of the .TV domain is that this particular combination of letters--"T" coupled with "V"-- is recognized across the globe; people everywhere associate "TV" with a visual medium, and since the Internet is just another visual medium, .TV is easily accepted and embraced by both novice and experienced Internet users. Dot TV is also very short--as short as a top level domain can be--making domain names much quicker to type into a web browser (folks like me who are obsessed with efficiency like this a lot.) And with Dot TV, there are no registration restrictions: Dot TV domain names can be registered by anyone or by any company no matter where in the world the registrant is located.

The future looks very bright for Dot TV: domain name sales are becoming far more frequent and I am discovering newly developed .TV names all the time (I am personally developing DebtHelp.TV as a debt forum.)

Want to know more about .TV? NamePros veteran "equity78" started popular and highly informative thread on the topic; recommended reading for anyone curious about .TV!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post very well written.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005 1:09:00 PM  

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