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Domain Blog

A blog about domain names and making a living on the Internet.

Friday, October 07, 2005

I'm Jumping Onto The Free Wi-Fi Bandwagon!

I was so excited when the Mayor of my home town announced free Wi-Fi access at certain spots--er, hotspots-- in the center of the city. I was so enthralled that as soon as I found the time, I drove down to the city library (which was reported to be putting out the strongest signal) to see if I could get my Wi-Fi-enabled laptop online via a free hotspot. After hours of sitting on my car outside the library, trying desperately to get the free Wi-Fi juices flowing, I failed; I wasn't able to get it working properly. All I could access was the city government's homepage! When I got home later that evening, I sent an email to the tech support folks in charge of managing the free hotspots in town. I didn't get a reply to my first email asking for help, so I emailed them a few times over the course of 3 weeks.

I never got a response. Furthermore, I tried a few more times at different spots around town and failed!

I was disappointed, certainly, but I am to this day still in love with the idea of free Wi-Fi access to the Internet. To think that I can access the web for free @ speeds rivaling those of my wired LAN here at home, and to be able to be outdoors enjoying the sun and fresh air...it's like a fairy tale come true (for an Internet geek like me, anyway.)

And now I'm reading stories about Google gearing up to offer free Wi-Fi Internet access. From what I've read and heard, big "G" has recently established a lobbying presence in Washington, D.C. so that they can have someone representing their interests at the nation's capital (telecommunications is a very serious, high stakes game in D.C, no doubt.) You can rest assured that I'll be following Google's progress in the free Wi-Fi arena, especially because I know that when Google goes live with their free Wi-Fi service, they'll get it right!

I registered a couple of free Wi-Fi-related domain names today to see if I can attract some free Wi-Fi related traffic to my domain name empire:


I have some development ideas bouncing around in my head, but for now these names will stay parked @ AfterNIC. Wish me luck, and feel free to post a comment with your free Wi-Fi web access experiences. Thanks!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've always been interested in the prospect of "free" internet access.. I'm surprised that it's so long in coming as it'd make sense advertising wise for every fast food restaurant or motel along the interstate to offer it as an incentive to stop.

Sunday, October 09, 2005 1:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

> I'm surprised that it's so
> long in coming as it'd
> make sense advertising wise
> for every fast food restaurant
> or motel along the interstate
> to offer it as an incentive
> to stop...

Hiya David:

Where have you been these days? Taking a break from domaining? Heh.

I agree with your comment. It's very cheap to setup a Wi-Fi hotspot so why not offer it as a way to attract more customers. I have seriously considered setting myself up as an ISP here where I live; I already have the everything setup because my family accesses the Internet via a Wi-Fi access point I setup this year. Easy as pie to setup with my existing wired network, and safe due to all the nice security features included in 802.11. I could buy a cheap booster and become a neighborhood ISP for less than $200! Heh. Sounds fun, eh? I might do it when my to-do list shrinks a bit.

Sunday, October 09, 2005 1:31:00 PM  

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