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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

UK Based Web Hosting Company Offers Free Domain Name & Free Web Space, And The Offer Isn't Ad-Supported

Sounds too good to be true? Maybe. But according to a press release I have just come across, Facternet.com is offering free web space (100 MB) and a free domain name, and you don't have to have any Facternet.com ads on your site in order to enjoy these free services. Right now, you're probably asking yourself, "Well, then how can they make money?" I'm not sure, but Facternet.com does have contextual ads on just about every page in their website, so I guess their business model is all about those ads.

According to the Facternet.com website, you can get your free .COM domain name once you've had a site up with them for at least 3 months, and your site must pass "review and assessment." Your site must always be hosted with Facternet.com in order to keep your free domain name.

If you decide to take advantage of this offer, post a comment here and let us know if the offer is all that it claims to be. Thanks.

Here's a snippet from today's press release:

"Free Web Hosting has been tarnished with a bad name, full of advertising, limits and unusable services. That is until now, with the launch of the latest service from Facternet which offers ample space, no end-user advertisements and a free domain name.

Internet Solutions Provider, Facternet.com, has today fully launched its Facternet FreeSpace service to the public. The service that offers 100MB of free web storage space for websites and file storage is already proving to be a huge hit, especially since users that choose to host a website on the service don’t have to contend with any advertising on their sites, and also have the option to get a free .com domain name.

Unlike existing free web space providers, Facternet allows users to upload practically any file, allows hot linking of files and even lets you send your uploaded files to friends and family, however Facternet warn that users that abuse the heavily monitored service will have their accounts terminated.

Users of the FreeSpace service can choose whether to upload a website, or use the space to store their files, or even both. Facternet claim that their FreeSpace service is one of the most flexible free hosting services around, and even encourages users to use their FreeSpace to enhance sites that may be hosted elsewhere, a practice that is frowned upon by traditional free hosting providers.

Anthony Robinson, the owner of Facternet.com, said, 'I am delighted to launch the new Facternet FreeSpace service. Using free hosting providers in the past myself, I understand the frustration of forced advertising on end user sites, the restrictions placed on file types, and not forgetting the long unfriendly website addresses. That’s why FreeSpace doesn’t have any advertising on end user sites, supports almost every file type and even offers users a free .com domain name.'

The service also announced today that their paid hosting service, Facternet Domains, was to undergo a major upgrade within the next few days along with new hosting packages that will offer FreeSpace users the chance to step-up from their current service.

The FreeSpace service can be accessed at http://freespace.facternet.com/ or from Facternet’s Portal at www.facternet.com."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

you only get it free for one year, then you have to pay renewals of $20.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 8:56:00 PM  

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